My song, baby!
I call this my song. There are certain lines that are just me...and a few that aren't. I don't say "hey ya'll" or "yee haw" & I definitely do prefer champagne over beer.
I grew up on a farm, I raised my kids on a farm, but I really am not a farm girl. I'm a city girl. I like getting my nails done, not having a set of "barn" clothes & "town" clothes, knowing that a goat hasn't poo'ed on anything I own, not checking my shoes to see if I brought a piece of the barn in the car with me. Simple things like that.
I like knowing that a trip to the store no longer means an hour in the car & making sure I get all my errands done at once to save gas & time. If I change my mind on what we're having for dinner, I can go get more food & be back to cook it before my oven has preheated.
I like knowing that if I get a craving for a lunch I didn't make, I can go order it, pay for it, & eat it, all within walking distance. Until 2 years ago, I didn't know what that was like.
Don't get me wrong, I am glad I raised my kids in the country. It was wonderful to let them play outside & they had acres & acres to run around, build forts, shoot airsoft guns, go hunting, ride horses, & watch our very own Sandhill Cranes (Glenda & Oz) on our pond. I'm glad my children had that for the first part of their lives. Doesn't mean I loved it. But I did it for them because I felt it was best for us at the time.
I'm glad we now live where they can walk to their friends' houses, ride bikes to the library, & know what it means to have a neighborhood. This is also where I'm happier.
The entire time the hubby man & I have been together, I have never gone to the one place that would completely out me as a Redneck Woman, because I knew the hubs was not interested.
I walk around barefoot outside, I do a mean boot scootin' boogie, & I'd go see a country band before almost any other band (except Pink of course). I know how to saddle a horse, clean a deer, & I can bale hay like nobody's business. I even know how to cook squirrel...though I do prefer a steak, even better is one I didn't help butcher.
I think I'm a pretty darn (or is it dern?) good mix of down home gal & girly girl. I'm not afraid to get dirty & take care of things but eh, I kinda like lookin' good while I do it. I'm not sure that the hubs knew exactly how deep my Redneck Woman roots went...until today.
I have denied one aspect of my Redneck Woman ways for too long. The last time I indulged was just days before I met this random, goofy man in August of 2009. I couldn't continue on for one more year. Th pull of this one aspect only comes around in the summer & well, I guess the honeymoon is over & it was time to let the boy see the real girl he married.
The cat is now out of the bag.
This year I knew that I could no longer deny the call of...
The Demolition Derby.
I took the hubby man last night to the demos. He really didn't know what it was, but the fact that it happened at the county fair was enough to tell him he wasn't going to like it.
Sometimes I forget how City, this City Boy truly is. Then he reminds me by doing things like wrinkling his nose & asking me what stinks. At the fair. "Dear, it's animal poo." He didn't understand why it smelled so bad considering "we're on the food side!"
Sad thing was, I hadn't even noticed the smell until he asked what it was. He asked & I was actually using my sniffer to see if I could smell vomit. I'm not sure if that's the medical professional in me that immediately thinks vomit when someone asks what a smell is, or if it's the farm girl in me that didn't realize the fair stinks.
The second thing that made me realize I had a Demo virgin on my hands was his shock & dismay at how many of the preteen & young teen girls happened to be dressed (or lack there of) & make-up'ed. Yes, my dear, this is The County Fair...aka Teenage Hoochie Fest...where girls find it necessary to wear their baby sister's tanks & shorts, wear black Sharpie for eyeliner, & carnies forget the term "jail bait". Oh, my poor sweet husband. I didn't realize until it was too late. I should have prepared him for this.
I explained as much of the rules, if you can call them that, of The Demos & waited for him to yawn & ask me when we could leave. The guy can still surprise me after all these years (yeah, that cracked me up, all these years)...he had fun. He said he won't tell the guys at the office about it tomorrow, but he actually wants to go to another one.
The second thing that made me realize I had a Demo virgin on my hands was his shock & dismay at how many of the preteen & young teen girls happened to be dressed (or lack there of) & make-up'ed. Yes, my dear, this is The County Fair...aka Teenage Hoochie Fest...where girls find it necessary to wear their baby sister's tanks & shorts, wear black Sharpie for eyeliner, & carnies forget the term "jail bait". Oh, my poor sweet husband. I didn't realize until it was too late. I should have prepared him for this.
I explained as much of the rules, if you can call them that, of The Demos & waited for him to yawn & ask me when we could leave. The guy can still surprise me after all these years (yeah, that cracked me up, all these years)...he had fun. He said he won't tell the guys at the office about it tomorrow, but he actually wants to go to another one.
Just 'cause I love this song & it's about a county fair.
I figured I could finally show him that he married a true Redneck Woman because...well, he's stuck with me now. Turned out the boy who was born & raised City, really has a bit of a Redneck
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