That's Me

That's Me

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Taco Bell Owie

I've been working with Taco Bell's attorney ever since The Taco Bell Incident & we finally agreed on a settlement. I never wanted to get rich from it, and I'm definitely not getting rich. All I wanted was to be compensated for lost wages & my ruined jeans & manicure. 

Those jeans were my Awesome Butt jeans & they got all sorts of messed up that day. Don't mess with this vain girl's clothes or nails! Heed the warning. 

So we decide on a settlement & Taco Bell's attorney is all, "We'll give you this to stay out of court." I know I could have pushed for more but eh, I'm not gonna be that person that spills coffee & sues the place for burning myself. I sat in a chair, their chair bit me. It's not like they purposely set out to hurt a customer. They didn't properly upkeep their furniture & I was unfortunate to be the one that got hurt. All I asked for was to be compensated for legitimate things. 

I have a teeny tiny bit of nerve damage in my middle finger on my right hand. It's not even my favorite middle finger so it's no big deal. I use the left middle finger when I'm letting someone know they're #1 in my book. 

And the scar looks like a Pyramid, so I can use it as a teaching tool about Eqypt. 

I've decided to use some of the settlement money to get my second tattoo. They pay me because they disfigured I disfigure a different part of my's perfect.

I've been working on this particular tattoo for years & I've finally got it just how I want it; the font, the wording, the artwork, it's all picked out. And now is a perfect time to get it. 

All my piercings & tattoos have special meaning to me. It's my way of marking milestones. Some people write things on a family calendar or in a Bible. I permanently scar myself. Potato, potahto. 

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