That's Me

That's Me

Sunday, December 25, 2011

I Had Help Wrapping Presents

Watson decided to help me wrap presents.

First he rolled himself up inside of the wrapping paper...
 Which means he put holes in it when I picked him up to get him off of it. Remind me again why it's not nice to declaw a cat? Oh yeah, 'cause if you cause them pain, they will kill you in your sleep.

 Then he laid on each wrapped present as I set it aside...

 Then he decided that wasn't annoying enough because I could ignore that. So he laid on the unwrapped presents. And fell asleep... 

 Then he kept biting the ribbon as I tied it around the gifts...

 And since that didn't get the point across to stop using this annoying red thing that was too much like his favorite toy, he decided to make his desires known another way. "Woman, do as I say or I will have to put my foot down." Literally...

 Check it out, I even sign the presents with "Eddi Girl."

He could have at least put his foot down where the tie crossed over so I didn't have to pull out my third hand to tie the package. When the hubs finally put the camera down & stopped laughing, he helped with the tying of ribbon.

I apologize in advance to anyone who receives a gift from me that thrashes about the room. With Watson's annoyingly getting into everything helping while I wrapped, I may or may not have purposefully accidentally wrapped him up, while busy with all the pre-Christmas chaos. Hey, Eddi needs a break.

*No animals were harmed in the wrapping of these presents. Although Watson would disagree because he had to go a whole 3 hours without undivided attention.

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