I woke up to a cool, fall morning. I get ready for the day. Because it's fall with no threat of rain, heat, or humidity, I skip the 62 anti-humidity products my hair relies on. The first of many mistakes in my day. Get to school to discover that someone forgot to inform the climate inside the school that it's not humid out. It's humid inside. Really humid. Cue mushroom head.
My previously straight & flat hair that was doing everything it was supposed to is now a fluffy mound on top of my head. I look like one of those Toddlers & Tiaras kids who obviously has a 3 year old face but has a wig made for a 30 year old on her head. It's just too much poofy hair on a little face. My hair that usually is the correct amount for my size head is suddenly way too much. Or my head shrinks in the humidity. I don't know.
Then it rains. Class, what does rain do to straightened hair? It re-curls. But not in a cute curly way. In a way that makes me look like the Flying Nun. So now I have mushroom head with wings. And no bobby pins in my purse (darn kids taking my stuff) or even a face mask to hide behind.
I couldn't just sit in the back of the class either. Nooo. I had to give a presentation. With winged mushroom hair. In front of a class of 30.
I won't go into the other things that made my day a 10 on the stress meter, because I was having a Bad Hair Day, what else matters? So as I'm sitting in my truck thinking of the 2,017 things I need to do when I get home, I did what made the most sense. Set my GPS to the nearest spa.
That's right, I pampered myself. With no warning! With no thinking it through because I would have told myself I had no time or had 1,439 excuses why I should go home. I walked in & said, "I've had a bad day, fix me!"
I discovered that if I'm having a bad day, a couple Vietnamese ladies with magic hands make it all better. I got a manicure, a pedicure, and a 45 minute massage. I walked out of there jello, thank you very much. I didn't always understand what they were saying & I'm pretty sure I nodded at times when I should have said something instead, but dude, they had magic hands.
Those ladies are goooood. The first lady told me I must have a pedicure since I had a bad day & never had one before. That's good salesmanship right there. So I got one. While we were talking she asked if I had any children. At least I think she said that because it was either, "Do you have any child?" or "Do you have any joy?" If it was the latter then my answer of 6 was really out of place. She went with it though. "You have 6 child? 6 child? No wonder you have bad day!" She became my best friend.
Not only did she tell me I deserved the nail art for no extra charge "because you have 6 child. I have 1 child & go crazy" but she called the other ladies over to ooh & aah at the crazy lady who had a bad day. I felt like a celebrity. Those other ladies decided that I was such a freak/crazy/mess that I was also getting a massage for free. Seriously.
I even got cute little flowers on my toes. 'Cause she asked me if I wanted them while I was being massaged. Yeah, she's got the timing down.
I walked in with winged mushroom hair & crazy eyes. After an hour & a half with these women, I walked out with the same hair but I didn't even care. Let me repeat: I didn't care about my hair! That's truly magic right there.
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