That's Me

That's Me

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cats Attack!

My cats hate feet. They run away when you put your feet near their face. I'm sure something coming at you that is the size of your body and has purple toenails is pretty terrifying. So that makes sense. But it doesn't prevent me from doing it every so often, just to see the look on their faces. They run across the room and then look back at me with a very disgusted pissy look of, "Really? Again?" Man, cats have a lot of 'tude.
3:00 this morning I was laying in my bed with the cute little gray cat laying by my feet. She looked so sweet dreaming about being petted in a field of catnip, and I had the same burning question I know everyone else has had. Do cats have the same aversion to feet when they're sleeping as they do when awake? I just had to find out.
I stuck my foot in Sophie's face. In less than half a second, before her eyes were even open, that cat bit my thumb toe! Then she shot straight up and ran up my legs & chest. I didn't even have time to scream. I was able to cover my face just in time for her to launch her sharp teeth into my finger instead of my nose. Sophie then turned around, walked calmly down my body, and curled up to sleep again. This time, at my knees.
Yes, cats hate feet even in their sleep.
I also discovered that cats sleep walk. As I was showing Sophie my owies this morning, she very clearly had no clue how they happened. So now I know cats sleep attack when provoked with feet.

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