That's Me

That's Me

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Our Fourth of July Party

The hubby & I have a lot of things in common & one of those things is our love of 2 particularly important holidays. Christmas Eve & Independence Day. Both of those have always been big holidays for me--awesome new outfits for the kids & me, lots of my yummy cooking, cool decorations, and a whole day set aside just for enjoying the people I love.

We like to make a big deal of both holidays & focus on fun & let go of the stress of the rest of the year & just breath.

We had our annual 4th of July party on Saturday. We missed the family members & friends that couldn't make it due to various reasons & we enjoyed the time with those who were able to be here with us. It was a wonderful day full of fun, food, & lots of laughter!

I have to brag on my 12 year old Blondie for what she contributed to the party:
That only looks like corn on the cob!
The child took cupcakes, lined them up, frosted them, covered them with jelly bellies & softened Starbursts for pats of butter & voila...Buttered corn on the cob! She's so creative. And they were so stinkin' yummy!

And just 'cause I can't let Blondie think she's the only creative one:
That's right, I made ladybugs out of food! I'm that awesome.
Yup, they were yummy too. And I used the serving platter that was made for me at my bridal shower & that everyone there signed. It makes my heart happy to use that platter with our names & wedding date on it.

Can you guess this year's theme?

Hey, children are present..., my turn to grab your coconut.

I hope you all had a great Fourth of July & were able to spend at least a part of the day with your loved ones. 

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