That's Me

That's Me

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hangin' With Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace had her follow-up appointment with the orthopedic specialist. Today's x-ray showed exactly what we didn't want it to. As soon as the x-ray was brought up on the screen, I knew. We had to wait for the doctor to come in & Amazing Grace asked me, "Is that bad?" Yup. I didn't need a doctor to tell me that it was healing wrong & she indeed is having surgery.

Bones aren't supposed to do that. 
As much as she did everything I told her to do to help her avoid surgery, it wasn't enough. Her bones just decided to stack instead of lay next to each other. Not good. Since she doesn't want to lose movement in her arm, surgery is required. Next Friday Amazing Grace will be going into the OR to have pins put into her clavicle. Nervous Mama? Just a wee bit.

Since the news of surgery caused Amazing Grace to tear up & I hate to see my baby girl upset, I took her on a shopping spree. New clothes, magazines, & a bunch of chocolate will always bring a smile to her face.

While shopping, Amazing Grace holds up a newborn shirt & asks me, "Did I ever fit in something this little?" "Yup, you were a tiny little thing." She replied with:

"I'm such a big girl now!"

And that's one of the reasons I love this girl. Another reason is that she's willing to take pictures of random things for me so that we have proof of our very random days. Because some things would only happen to us & without proof no one is going to believe what we saw or did. 

I was driving when out of my little eye do I spy a man jump into this big blue cylinder shaped thingy with an open lid. I yelled, "Oscar the Grouch! I knew he was real!" The man did not come out for the full 5 minutes that we debated getting out of our truck to go look into the big blue thiny to ask him what he jumped into & why he jumped into it. 

Amazing Grace wanted to knock on it & say, "Excuse me, but I was told this is my room & that it isn't occupied. Will you be leaving soon?" But alas we had no time because we had to get to her orthodontic appointment.

Oscar the Grouch drives a blue pick-up. Who knew!

On the way home I was given the perfect opportunity to embarrass my child. As we're at a stop sign my phone rang. One of my ring tones is At Last by Etta James. I'm not going to link a YouTube video of it because if you don't know the song, you're just an idiot who lives under the Idiot Rock with other idiots who point at you & laugh at what an idiot you are. So there.

So my phone rings. Our windows are down. We're at a stop sign. Next to a car with their windows down. Also next to a gas station full of people standing outside. Follow me here? I totally pulled out my high pitched, off key opera voice & sang along with Etta. Very loudly.

The people in the vehicle next to us turned & stared & missed their turn to go. A guy walking next to his van stopped & stared at us. Then he kept staring as he walked toward the gas pump & turned his head just in time to catch himself from walking into a pole.

It. Was. Awesome. I smiled at the nice people appreciating my entertainment in the middle of the afternoon. Amazing Grace laid her seat back & said, "Mama! I know people!"

Ah, good times. Good times.

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