That's Me

That's Me

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Promise Is A Promise

Amazing Grace was refusing to let me take her picture with her temps after it came in the mail today. I pinky swore that I wouldn't put the picture on The Facebook...

But I didn't promise not to put it in my blog...
If she sees this, I'm a dead Mama...

but I just couldn't help it.

Or as Amazing Grace says when I ask her why she did something, like eating my chips or using my laptop, "I didn't meeeeannnn to! I mean, it just happened." Well, dear, there's your answer. 

She's been driving with a temporary paper temporary license (yup...that makes it a temp temps) until the official picture ID came in the mail. It's the first of many to come in this house & it's pretty exciting. 

By the time #6 gets her license, it'll be "eh, been there, done that" I'm sure. It's how I was when my youngest would throw her temper fits. She'd throw herself down at 2 years old, kick & scream over some injustice such as nap time, and I'd just look at her & say, "Do something I haven't seen yet. You can't phase me with that crap" and go back to what I was doing. Of course, when #1 did that, I was tense & anxious because that meant I wasn't Super Mom & my child wasn't Perfect Child. 

Having more children forever cured me of that Super Mom/Perfect Child desire. By the time I got to #4, I was pleased with myself if I remembered to feed & water them, and super pleased if I remembered to do it daily for several days in a row. Bonus if I remembered their Birthday at least a week in advance, giving me time to plan a party. I did a little Irish Jig if I remembered to buy Easter candy before Good Friday. 

No longer striving for the Super Mom title frees me up to do things like take pictures & pinky swear not to post them on The Facebook...

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