That's Me

That's Me

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Les Miz & The Google Cloud

For our first Anniversary last month, the husband gave me season tickets to the Performing Arts Center. See what he did there? He went with the paper theme just like I  told him to  did.

Seeing as how Steve from Ghost Hunters & Gerard Butler were both working, and I really don't know any other man I could stand to spend 7 hours alone with on a Saturday night, I took the husband. He did buy the tickets after all. And he was available.

We saw Les Miserables, which was amazing! I didn't want it to end. A beautiful story & the music was out of this world. It was a 25th Anniversary special showing so it was different than the original apparently. I wouldn't know the difference since this was my first time seeing it. But if it's very different, I'm very glad I got to see this version. The conductor last night was the original Broadway conductor...just a little tidbit that really is useless information but makes me feel special to share it.

On the way to the parking garage, we ended up waiting for an elevator with 6 old-ish ladies, 1 in a wheelchair. When the elevator opened, we let them get in first & we were going to get the next one. They insisted we get in with them. Maybe it was because I was huddling into my coat & whimpering from the -40 degree wind (slight exaggeration) that was raging around the parking garage elevator, I don't know.

The kind old-ish ladies scooted close to each other & the husband got in. There was enough room for me to step into the elevator but not turn around. So the husband & I stood nose to nose with 6 old-ish ladies around us. What does one do when stuck in an elevator with a cute guy & some strangers? Pretend you don't know the cute guy.

Me: "Hello."

Husband: "Why, hello."

Old lady #1: "Do you 2 know each other?"

Me: "We do now."

Husband: "Sure do." still nose to nose (well, I'm taller so it was kinda like nose to lip)

Old ladies: laugh

Me: "You're cute. Wanna go home with me?"

Husband: "Sure!"

Old ladies: laugh then look at me & stop laughing when they see we are serious

And I did take him home. So there. Actually, he drove so he kinda took me home...but I allowed him to come in with me, so I think that means I did bring him home with me.

On the way home, the husband starts talking about something amazing he'd done with his computer. He doesn't get why I drool on myself when I get to deal with blood & infection, and my eyes glaze over when he's talking about c codes & java (which is not coffee, by the way) & linux. This was one of the rare times where I was actually following along & understanding what he was talking about. Until..."on The Google Cloud."

Me: looking outside at a cloudy ski at 10:45 at night "Uh...Google has a cloud?"

Husband: "Yeah."

Me: "Where?" still looking outside 

Husband: "It's a cloud. What do you mean where?"

Me: "Wha...?"

Husband: "It says Google on it."

Me: "" I did what I do best when I don't get something. Pretend the conversation is over & change the subject.

2 hours later...

Me: "Does Google really have its own cloud?"

Husband: explains what 'cloud' means in computer geek speak

Me: Sigh.

Yup, I just outed myself as not always bright. Or gullible. Or both.

That's what I get for making some kind old ladies believe I'm an elevator slut.

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