That's Me

That's Me

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nice Try, Son

I pulled up to the school to pick up Boy Child, who was waiting outside after basketball practice. He got in the car & cranked the radio. Not just turned it up but literally hit the dial so it spun around at 60 mph. I had to put my ear drums back in my ears after they fell out of my ears & looked up at me from my lap.

Me: yelling his name & a term of endearment that my Mom used for me as a teenager & I have since learned is quite appropriate for this age group. 

"What? I wanted to see how loud it gets."

Me: The Eddi Not Happy Face, that puts fear in every male, while putting my ear drums where they are used to living.

"Oh, do you have a headache?"

Me: "Do I ever appear in public looking like this if I feel good?" I was wearing hubby's t-shirt & yoga pants & my hair was somewhere between "I just got out of the shower" & "I've been sick all day so I don't care". I didn't have shoes on because that was beyond my energy level.

13 year old: "No."

Me: "Think you should suck up to me now?"

Him: "I like your hair today."

"Shut up."


Hubby told Boy Child he's got the correct way to compliment a ticked off woman but needs to work on his timing.

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