That's Me

That's Me

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Selfish people

I went to the store to get fruit to make Sangria. All the berries were mushy and old. Stupid store stocking people, don't they know it's a law to always have berries on hand for Sangria emergencies? Selfish store workers, not ordering what I need.
I'm in line at the store and I smell the oh so recognizable aroma of body funk. So I did what any person would do...I sniffed to make sure it wasn't me. I then realize it's the man behind me. That just added to my bad mood. How dare he embarrass me by making me do the sniff test in public and then embarrass me by realizing I just called attention to his body funk. Selfish man, stinking up the store.
I get home and realize the kids are all at their Dad's. I have no minions to carry in my $3,027.00 worth of groceries. Okay, I didn't buy that much but when you have to carry it in yourself, you're allowed to exaggerate. I have to carry them in myself! Selfish little rugrats, are probably sitting around laughing all day about how they are now making Mom do the carrying.
As I'm unpacking my groceries, I find that the very sweet checkout lady put my Twix in one bag, and my hot deli chicken in another bag. I happened to set the bags next to each other in the truck. My Twix is melted! Selfish checkout lady with the big smile, she could have told me not to set them next to each other.
Now I need that Sangria more than ever.

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