That's Me

That's Me

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Final Finals

I have just 4 finals projects to go for this semester. It's sad when you add "just" to the words "4 finals." That means you've already done so many that 4 seems like a small number.

It's also sad when I'm burnt out with only 4 to go. I just don't want to do it. I want the semester to be over without having to do the work. If I woke up tomorrow & there was some natural disaster that took away my school & meant I had extended time to finish these projects I would be ever so grateful. Are you listening, Miss Natural Disasters?? 

If we had a twister that took away just my school, I would kiss Elphaba's feet. I would totally kiss her green feet. This would just give me an excuse to do it. It's not that I'm in love with her...I want to be her.

The instructor in one of my classes announced last week that we would be doing a group project. There was to be a leader, and he would announce it the next week but the hint he gave us as to who would be the leader: "The most Type A person in the class; the most outgoing person."

This week he announced who had what parts in the group anyone surprised that I'm the leader? I was. If surprised means ticked.

I cannot do anything until I get everyone else's projects emailed to me. All 127 of them (slight exaggeration). The only thing I can do is sit & wait. Then get bombarded with all of their projects at once (I just know it!), so I can piece them together. By Tuesday night. While working on my other classes' projects & going to school & being surrounded by minions who insist on calling me "Mom" &...

I think my instructor hates me. No, I know he hates me. This was not a "yay, you win a prize because you're awesome in class" thing, this is a "ha ha, I'm punishing you for being you" thing.

My grade depends on the work they all do. They do research, send it to me, I organize it, make a PowerPoint with what will end up being like 50 slides, organize & cite their sources & visuals, then present it. And when I present it I have to make sure all of their work has equal time. Heaven forbid I let one of them go 1 minute longer than the others. 'Cause that's how the real world works, right? Yeah, sure, everything is equal in my world...uh huh.

Does this seem right? They get graded on the research they do. Yay for them. Their grade depends on their work.

My grade depends on their work AND the work I put into their work. Which basically means if I know their work is sucky (yeah, I said sucky, I'm not using big words today, get over it), I better make it better or my grade suffers. And that basically means they get a better grade for the work I put into their work.

Which boils down to: Eddi Girl is babysitting her classmates & there's the potential Eddi Girl will do their work for them just to avoid a bad grade.

Which boils down to: Eddi Girl's classmates are sittin' on easy street at the moment.

Just wait, Mr. Evil Instructor, I will tell Santa you're a bad, bad man. See how much you like dark, round blobs in your stocking. And I ain't talkin' about coal.

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