Watson the Cat is big and fluffy. He's so soft that when I see him sleeping, I can't help but use him as a pillow. He allows me to do this as long as the hubs isn't around. If the hubs is around, Watson gives me dirty looks & cries. No, not cries. Howls. Like I'm plucking his tonsils with chopsticks type of howl. Do cats have tonsils? He's pathetic.
I think the fact that he unwillingly had to have portions of his male parts removed makes him need to prove he's not a Mama's Boy. "I'm a tough boy, get away from me, woman!"
When the hubs isn't around and I'm sick, this is what's going down at our house (see, dear, I told you he lets me do it!):
Please don't let my sexiness distract you from the cat. And look, there's Comfy Blanket!
Do you see him sound asleep in the picture? Watson can't fake sleep. He has 2 speeds: Asleep & Terrorize. That first picture was not Terrorize. This one is:
That's my foot. See how my foot is not blurry but Watson is? That's because he's terrorizing my foot.
So now that you see the difference between Watson's 2 cycles, you see that he really was asleep. This is important because of what he did next.
I'm laying on Watson's belly, enjoying the soft fluff of his tummy. He starts purring. This made him a soft vibrating pillow. Not bad at all. Quite enjoyable actually.
My ever-so weird cat picked up his head, eyes closed, purring away, and began to lick my head. He licked & licked. He got my hair stuck in his mouth & gagged. I had to reach up over my head & pull my hair out of his mouth. He kept licking. Never opened his eyes or stopped purring. For 7 minutes.
Yes, folks, that's wet stringy hair hanging in my face & sticking up around my head. What you can't see are the rug burns on my forehead from his tongue. And the fact that my hair smelled like cat food.
My cat sleep bathes. Who knew! That's a whole new level of lazy, even for Watson.
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