Today I was talking with a good friend/cousin of mine who just had a Birthday. I know how much older she is than me and I thought for sure she just turned 37. I did the math in my head correctly, but I had my own age off by 2 years. Maybe I'll just be like my Grandma and celebrate my 29th Birthday every year. She had everyone convinced, so why can't I?
I remember once when I was about 7 or 8, I went to a doctor appointment with said Grandma. She had to tell the nurse her age. Her real age. I gasped and said, "You're not 29!!" She looked at me and said, "You better not ever repeat what you just heard."
Middle age is defined as 40-65 years old. Middle is defined as "equally distant from the extremes or outer limits; central: the middle point of a line." I don't know anyone that's lived to be 130, so I don't get how they figure that number. Maybe a 63 year old came up with that to make himself feel younger. He figured if he said he was middle age, then it would be true. Like Grandma being 29.
I wouldn't want to live to be 130. Al Roker wouldn't even be alive to announce my Birthday every year after turning 100. That would make me sad.
I already get sick of cooking dinner every night. I don't want to do it for another 99 years (if my Mom is correct, and I really am 31). After that many years there are no more new recipes to try out.
Just think of all the light bulbs a person would use up in 130 years. Talk about ecological footprint.
It'd be fun, though, to say things like, "102 years ago, when I was your age..."
I would be able to celebrate my 100th Wedding Anniversary. Well, assuming he lives to be 130 too. The Anniversary symbols only go up to 75 (and that's a diamond--dang, that's a long time to wait for a diamond), so I wonder what 100 would be. After that many years together, it better be something
Why is the first Anniversary symbol paper? What in the world do you buy each other that's paper? "Here, honey, I got you a nice...coloring book." The 11th is steel. Great, just what I want, a hull of a ship or a train rail. You have to be married a really long time to get to the good stuff.
They say that people start to look like each other after they've been married a long time. What do they start to look like after 100 years together? The mental image I just got was just too scary to share.
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